
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Baby Queen - part 2

~Story continued from "Baby Queen Part 1"~
At 3:30pm, the boys brought Baby Nikki with them and left the house.
They met Mama Judy on the way to the play ground.
Mama Judy stopped them and played with Baby Nikki for a little while.

At 3:40 , they met Terry on the way to the play ground. Terry stopped them and played with Baby Nikki for a little while.

At 3:50 they arrived to the play ground,
the met Mother Rabbit and Mother Sheep. Mother Rabbi and Mother Sheep stopped them and played with Baby Nikki for a little while.At 4pm, they stepped on the grass of the play ground.
But the game finished, all the kids left and went home.


Anonymous said...

哈哈~照顧BB真係唔容易架! Brother Fox 只係照顧一日, 難為媽媽係冇off day!
我地曾經都係Baby Queen啊!~ 多謝你iceklicky 分享個故事!(^^*)

iceklicky said...

hi kiki,
yeh, mum works 24 by 7, 365 days...
but father fox is a good boy, he helps out his mum sometime. :)