Where were this group of Sylvanian Babies going? They were going to the Bramble's Department Store.

Sheepie found the stationaries that he needs.

Rabbit Baby found the toys and baby hampers that he likes.

Baby Cat loved the wide range of books collection.

Rabbit Baby Sister enjoyed the beauty and personal care session in the Bramble's Department Store.

The children also discovered that all the electrical goods for Mums and Dads were displayed in the first level.

Not long, all the Sylvanian Babies were tempted by the delightful cakes in the Bramble's Cafe located next to the electrical goods counter of the Bramble's Department Store.
"The Cake Stall is newly imported from UK , there are more selection of cakes than ever !" Said Waiter Mouse of the Bramble's Cafe.

Reporter asked: What would you choose for shopping and high tea in the Sylvanian Village?
Sylvanian Babies: We choose the Bramble's Department Store & Bramble's Cafe!
WoW~好豐富啊!! D toys and baby hampers 係唔係iceklicky 自製架!好特別啊! iceklicky D babies 真係識嘆﹗^^*
Hi Kiki,
d toys都係sf出品, 有d就係sf扭蛋. 之前我d sf baby 用品如小叉,小碟等,因為大細件時常被碰跌,我就惟有包起佢擋係禮物包.hehe
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